What is the Legacy are you passing on?
What will others say about the Legacy I leave behind?
When the Israelites crossed the Jordan in Joshua 3 and 4, they set up two monuments. One to remind them of what they had left behind. They had been saved – God had cut off the path of bondage. The other was to remind them of the miracle God had performed in crossing the Jordan on dry land. God had performed this miracle and many others in their lives. The stones were to be a memorial, a witness forever to what God had done. They were to tell their children for generations. In other words they left a legacy so that future generations would not forget what God had done for them.
What has God done for us? Are we declaring His works to future generations? According to Psalm 71:17-18, we should! Jesus provided the way for us to be saved from the bondage of sin. Is that memorial settled in our life? Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior? Are you sharing the plan of salvation with family and friends? Peter tells us in 1Peter 4:7-11, “The end of all things is at hand; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer. Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaint. As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God; whoever serves, let him do so as by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
How can we leave a Legacy that makes a difference in the lives of other?
1. We are to keep our emotions under control so we can pray. We are to be clear minded – in other words we are to have control under pressure. Is prayer a priority in our life? When the pressure of life hit us, do we hit our knees in prayer? How do we leave a legacy through prayer? Pray for our children, grandchildren ad future generations. Pray for their salvation. Pray for leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Be an example, letting them see that prayer is a priority in your life. Pray with them on a regular basis, make prayer a habit in your family. I will never forget a friend's mother, who before leaving the house every morning, would gather all the children in the living room to pray for the day ahead. It made a lasting impression on me and showed me the importance of prayer to start the day. Our children will face pressures we cannot even image, and they will need the tool of prayer to face life.
2. Be quick to forgive. There is not one of us who have not made mistakes. Forgive each other and do not hold grudges. Unforgiveness not only hurts others but it hurts us as well. God forgave us and if he forgave me then I should be able to forgive others. Again be an example of forgiveness, when others wrong you go that extra mile. There is a peace that surpasses understanding when we forgive. Love each other deeply. Love each other with the love of Christ. Teach your children that love bears all things. It can be difficult to love! Actions speak louder than words! We do not have to approve of what that person may be doing, but we can see the person God created and whom He loves, and love them through His eyes. How much better our children will be with a legacy of love and forgiveness.
3. Stop complaining and offer hospitality without grumbling. Wow! That is hard. Don’t we all grumble? Most of us are good at complaining, lol. Make your home one of kindness. This passage is talking about opening your home to others, making them feel welcome, and showing them Christ’s love. I think this also applies to our families! We get so busy that many times our homes are anything but kind, so remember to take time for your children. Spend quality time with family and friends. Make your home a place where they want to be and a place where they want to bring their friends. Make your home a tool for ministry.
4. Use the gifts God has given you to serve others. Jesus came as a servant and gave us the example of what a servant should be. We are to serve God and others through teaching, giving, encouraging ……. Leaving a legacy through teaching our children to pray, love, forgive, study, being responsible, and so much more. Leaving a legacy through the giving of our time, talents, tithes, and offerings to serve God and others. Leaving a legacy through encouragement, praising God for what He has done, praising them for a job well done, encouraging them when they make mistakes to pick themselves up and try again.
Why do these? – So in ALL things God may be praised – What a legacy we can leave for future generations!
It is definitely something I need to reflect on and take to heart. Leaving a legacy, a monument of a Christian life, one that relays fully on God (even though it may not be perfect) and puts others first!
As a friend said, “Live the priorities God has given us!